So how's the big life change going, Michelle?
Swell. I killed a box of swiss cake rolls this week. In one night. And I would rather nap than take a walk. So yeah, I'd say I'm headed in the right direction!
The depression and postpartum are killing me. Most of my days are great, I've go crazy amounts of energy and feel fabulous! But then I have days like today--I didn't even get out of my pajamas. And going for a walk? Doubt it. Too much work. It's too hot out. Sam was napping. I used all of 'em, every excuse I could think of. Only now, at 10:30pm do I feel guilty for it.
I guess maybe I don't want it that bad? I don't want to be able to climb stairs without feeling like I'm dying. I don't want to spend less on clothes because I can buy anything almost anywhere. I don't want to feel better when I get out of bed. Because if I wanted all of these things, I'd stick with the plan, don't you think? I don't know what's wrong with me.
I'm starting over. Shaking the etch-a-sketch and starting fresh--I can do this.
I looked into a membership at the Y. (I'm not using it's full name because I don't want that damn song stuck in my head all night.) That is some expensive family friendly healthy stuff my friends. They have a scholarship of sorts for those who cannot afford their ridiculous prices--so I filled out the forms and I'm going to go in Friday and talk to someone. We can'd afford much, but if we can budget somehow for a membership there, it will be good for the three of us in the long run.
I'm thinking water aerobics is a good way to start. Low impact. Easier on my knees. We'll see!
Tomorrow is a new day. So "Michelle's new lifestyle!" take two!